This petition was created by Plant Dining Partnerships advisor Manny Rutinel.  Here is his plea:

If you’ve followed the news, you’ve seen the alarming number of coronavirus deaths disproportionately affecting communities of color. Nowhere was that more prevalent than in our nation’s meat industry, where such a stunning number of workers died that Latino civil rights groups called for meat boycotts. The League of United Latin American Citizens, Forward Latino, and others have called on all of us to give up meat in solidarity with those workers who are sick, suffering, and dying.

Yet Popeyes refuses to join this important effort, denying customers plant-based options even while Burger King, Dunkin’, White Castle, and KFC (its biggest competitor) are already offering plant-based alternatives.

With over 2,400 locations, Popeyes is one of the largest fried chicken chains in the United States. And while other restaurants around the country are adapting to the climate of this pandemic, Popeyes is refusing to get on board… choosing to risk the lives of thousands of meat industry workers.

At the same time, a growing number of communities are calling for more access to plant-based foods, particularly those communities most underserved.

In fact, the growth of plant-based protein and meat alternatives is projected to increase from $4.6 billion to $85 billion in 2030. Popeye’s has a tremendous opportunity to catch up to its competitors by providing a plant-based chicken option.  Sign this petition and tell Popeyes it’s time to get on board, and it’s time to help save lives.
Popeyes, stop risking workers’ lives for your chicken!